Be the Best Version of You!

"As a "vintage" dancer, I really appreciate Heike's stretching class! She uses her knowledge of body mechanics to direct safe, effective stretching techniques.
As a teacher, she uses kindness and a sense of humor to get the best from each student.
I look forward to her class and to keep on dancing"
- Ann, Dec. 2017
"For 8 years, Heike was the Massage Therapist for me and my Mom.
My Mom was in her 80s and had limited mobility when she started with Heike. Within 3 months, she was off her pain medication and has greatly improved mobility. She was unable to move on the massage table without assistance when Heike started to work with her and within a few months was moving on her own. She did an amazing job of decreasing joint pain and increasing mobility.
For me it was work related stress that created problems and through her gift of massage, I was able to relieve the majority of stress that I retained in my neck and shoulder muscles.
She is the best Massage Therapist that I have ever had."
- Bette, Dec. 2017
"Thank you for how much you have helped me over the last two years in your active and upbeat stretch class at the YMCA. It amazes me how you know the name of everyone in the class from their first attendance. I love the music you choose for stretching and the fast pace of the class. You have gone the extra mile to give me special stretches for some back problems I have had and they have helped tremendously. Keep up the good work."
- Barbara, Dec. 2017
"Heike's stretch class was perfect for me after having a baby. It was the perfect fit for starting to rebuild the muscles and getting back to it!"
- Saree, Jan. 2018
"My back feels great - the best it's felt in a long time!Thanks sooo much that really was the most beneficial and specific work that I have ever received in a massage!"
- Stacey, Oct. 2017
"I am not sure how to accurately convey my appreciation
for Heike and her expertise. The best way I can do this is to tell my story, and I'd imagine you might have a similar one:
One day before work, I leaned over to tie my shoe. With that simple movement, my back went into severe spasms. I figured I could push through the pain and despite my wife's wise advice, I decided to try to go to work anyway. I made it halfway down my front yard steps before my back went into full spasm mode. I couldn't move. In fact, I just about fell over. It was the worst pain I've ever experienced in my life. My wife gave me the expected "I told you so" look, and she had to help me down to the ground.
So, there I was, laying in my front yard with the beautiful rising sun, the lovely blue sky, and the exceptionally angry ants from the front yard climbing all over me. It turns out that the ants have a home around the bricks on which I was laying...
To get to the point, during the first session, Heike calmed my back down. But most importantly, by the second session, she identified the underlying problem. My legs!
My legs are so tight that they yank on my lower back. I know this is a great over simplification of my issue. But wow!
If I were to be critical of anything Heike does, it is that she cares too much about "fixing" her clients. But that is something I suppose I'll just have to live with. :)"
- Bob, Oct. 2017
"Heike saw me quickly when I called to tell her about
some painful sciatica issues. She got me in very soon and used therapeutic massage therapy to go directly to the pain location.
When I walked out of the office, I was feeling so much better.
I saw her for the same issue a week later and she gave me a second treatment that was extremely helpful as well. T
he third time I saw Heike, she worked on other body parts that were troubling me and also showed me some stretching exercises to help me with my recover. I would highly recommend her as she knows very well how the body works."
- Annie, May 2018
"Thank you very much for the wonderful, healing massage!
It was exactly what I needed for my overworked body.
You knew exactly how much pressure to use and exactly where I needed attention. It was like you read my mind. I went from being uncomfortable all day to feeling so much better after the massage.
Best massage I’ve ever had!
Thank you!"
- Christa, June 2018
Go see Heike if you need her.
I’ve never been to someone that has helped me instantly. I’m so grateful for her. I feel like she’s release 40 years of back/hip pain In one session. She’s amazing! 💜💜💜💜
- Natalie, Sept 2018
I" told my wife the massage yesterday was unlike any other I’ve ever had- and in a good way. My body reacted well last night and today after the massage. Last night I could tell my arms and hands were “swollen” meaning they were actually getting blood flow as you observed during our session. I did not have numbness, nerve pain, or cold hands last night and for most of today. Around 3:00 pm today (usually the worst time for my symptoms) I did have coldness in both hands (of course this is not massage related, and the severity was less than before). My back has responded well to the glut-work. I iced my hands and arm tonight as they are inflamed, per her suggestion.
Needless to say, I can’t thank you enough. You are a true professional. I would love to come in next week to continue our progress."
- Nick, April 2019
"Heike, you are fixing my hip after 16 years of misalignment. You are helping my muscles, my tendons, and my fear let to and release.
You are bringing light, positive energy, and hope into my life. You are healing me physically, mentally, and emotionally.
I thank you, Heike."
- Julianna, May 2019
"After joining the Y last month for the "Pound" class, I've also tried 10 other classes offered. I came to realize "Stretching" is the most beneficial class to me. If I can only take one class there, this would be it. I highly recommend it.
Thank you Heike for being a wonderful teacher."
- Naishing, Nov. 2019
"Thank you, Heike, for the great work that you do!
I always appreciate how well you are able to make me feel relaxed and balanced after a session. You are very good at taking your time to get into the muscle, so that it can be worked in the most comfortable and effective way possible. Thank you!
- Dr. Charles Lenz, D.C , Feb. 2020
"The Dynamic Stretching Sessions are awesome! I did one on Friday. Great stretch for my lower back and great ab workout. I was surprised at sll the muscle groups I worked while getting a great stretch and it was like having my own personal trainer. Thank you!"
- Catherine, June 6, 2020
Heike's massages are fantastic!
She gets the right points to heal your muscle after a hard workout or back/hip pain. I highly recommend her service. I tried her online Stretching session recently and was very impressed by how well she is able to instruct and make you loosen and strengthen the right muscles.
- Nina, June 9, 2020
"Heike is a Blessing!!
After 7.5 years of chemo therapy and 8 weeks of radiation,
I obviously have some side effects that I have to deal with on a daily basis. My muscles and joints are often sore and the vascular and neurological dysfunction in my lower legs and feet is quite profound. I have always been very leery of having anyone touch these areas due to their hyper-sensitivity.
I felt the same anxiety when I first allowed Heike to give me a massage. However, it was not long that I realized she had a very special sensitivity and touch that I could trust.
She was able to work with my legs and feet with very little discomfort and the scar tissue in my neck as well.
My muscles felt so much better and the effect lasted for days. I feel very blessed to have found her and experience such sensitive awareness.
Thank You Heike!! "
- Dr. Gary, June 27, 2020
"Heike's Skype Stretch classes have been life changing for me, especially during this pandemic. I have lower back issues and utilize both massage therapy and chiropractic care. When we shut down the first time, I started having horrible lower back spasms and didn't have the option of seeing the chiropractor or going to Heike for a massage. The alternative was Heike's Skype sessions. Since I have started these sessions, I no longer have lower back pain, my core is getting stronger and it is a much needed stress release from my weekdays of working from home and homeschooling. Not only do I get a full body workout and stretch but it also allows me to take an hour out of my day for just me. When allowed, I also take the time out to fit in a massage once a month to experience a much more productive release of tension in my muscles.
I would highly recommend this to anyone, especially stressed out moms who, at this point, have very little time or options for yoga classes or workouts at the gym. "
- Catherine, Dec. 4th, 2020
"Best Massage therapy I have ever had. I feel like a million bucks. Thank you and see you again soon."
- Chris, Jan. 2021
"Heike has a gift.
She is a skilled, thorough, caring massage therapist.
I received many massages from her and everyone was perfect! She truly cares about my needs and I always leave my appointments relaxed and pain free.
In addition, she has literally changed my life. She is intuitive beyond belief. I have gone from being in a job I was completely unfulfilled in to starting my own practice, moving to a state I love and am full of joy.
Thank you Heike. You have blessed my life and been a healer and teacher.
- Roxa, Aug. 2022
"Heike is the most qualified person to receive a massage from, in my opinion. She not only knows her stuff, but she takes it steps further by tuning into you and your energy and figuring out where you need that release of tension.
She is great at listening to you and your body’s needs and makes sure you leave feeling lighter and more relaxed in every way possible. She’s amazing inside and out.
I’m so happy to have found her."
- Jessica, Aug. 2022
Heike is an exceptionally gifted wellness practitioner who offers life-altering programs that help transform and improve your life. Her broad perspective and ability to discern the source of complex issues is truly rare. She has been instrumental in helping me regain full physical health after years of pain and discomfort in my lower back. Her knowledge of the physical body and it's potential for self-healing is exceptional. Her sessions are adjusted to one's current specific needs and promote growth, self-awareness, and optimal healing. I highly recommend her programs to all who desire to preserve, regain and eventually thrive in healthy, happiness and inner peace. She is a top expert in her field!
- Sabrina, Ph.D Aug. 2022
"As a long distance runner, I need to be able to run every single day healthy and train for strenuous races.
I've had a couple major injuries/stress to my body and
Heike was able to address them immediately and
get me back on the road in no time.
Her approach to healing is unique to an individual
and their personal needs. I found Heike very knowledgeable, professional and super strong. She has healing power."
- Renata, Runner Oct. 2023
Heike has helped me and my family in more ways
then I can count. She has helped heal my family through massage therapy, stretching, breath work and wellness guidance in several different areas. She has worked her massage magic on all of us; working through physical pain in order to release emotional stress as well. Her stretching and breathing exercises have been super beneficial and
we all put them to use daily.
She is very intuitive and caring and extremely knowledgable in so many areas which was a huge blessing during mentoring sessions. She brought calmness, peace and wisdom into every session. She is a true treasure and my family and I are so thankful for her.
I cannot begin to express my gratitude for Heike and
my hope is that everyone can receive the same care
me and my family have.
- Jessica, Oct. 2023
My Name is N. Kay. and I am a client of Heike. I have been treated by her for many years. I have seen her for mostly neck tension or fitness related injuries.
I always seek her treatment because she is a true healer. Not only physically, emotionally but also a spiritually healer. There are very few true healers and Heike is one of them.
I know when I call her, she will help me. I know I will have relief. Each treatment I’ve received, I found that my pain was much deeper than just physical. I have experienced various types of abuse throughout my life and find it difficult to feel safe to receive treatment when I need it and I usually wait to ask for help. I find it difficult for therapists to touch me.
She has guided me through this. Using her gentle words and gentle physical touch, I’ve been able to release things I’ve been carrying in my body for years.
Heike has created a safe environment for me to feel safe to receive her healing touch. This has taken time, and I am so grateful for her patience, gentleness and true kindness she has shown me.
Heike has given me tools to help myself heal. She has helped return to my spiritual self. She has made a safe place to speak about spirituality, to return to my spirituality.
Heike truly knows her stuff and I trust her abilities but what I cherish most about her true healing gifts is the safe environment she has created for me and others to heal.
- N.Kay, Nov. 2023
Heike and I began working together a month ago and it has been an absolute pleasure! I wanted to begin nutritional counseling because of weight I gained over COVID. I began to feel increasingly bloated and heavy, however, after working with Heike, I am feeling much better! I just needed the right resources and encouragement to do so. Using the most current research, she has educated me about lifestyle, and choices. Heike strives to engrain life-long changes rather than just quick fixes. My outlook on food and the choices I make have completely changed.
She has done a wonderful job of meeting me at my current level as well as being non-judgmental and supportive. On top of that, she is very knowledgeable, friendly, and sincere. She genuinely wants to help you. Our check-ins via text and email have been very helpful!
Overall, I have felt much better after working with Heike and I would highly recommend her services to anyone.
- Zeynep, Feb. 2024
(Nutrition Program)
"I don't have enough words to express how grateful
I am to you. Last nicht was the first night
since my surgery when I was able to sleep
from everything until the alarm rang this morning.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart:
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!
You are an amazing person
and professional massage therapist!!!
- Svetlana, Sept. 2024